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Western Warmongers now Blame Supply Chain issues on Russia

By  Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor


NATO wanted war. War kills food supply chains. So who is to blame for the suffering?

Calls grow for Russia to free up Ukrainian ports for grain exports

from the Washington Post

[ Editor’s Note: Here come the whiners, blame shifters and cry babies over the disaster they have created, which was totally avoidable if they had chosen a wiser path.

Now they see the potential political risk from the public suffering the consequences financially for the Ukrainian, but The West wants to put that monkey on Russian’s back.

We have NATO and the US Pentagon chief openly stating that their goal of creating this Ukraine war was to weaken Russia militarily via a proxy war with Ukraine, and hence make it easier to muscle Russia with sanctions in international commerce.

Here come the EU and NATO whining now about the war economic chaos after Germany and France were guarantors of the Minsk I and Mink II deals. They both failed, because Ukraine said ‘hell no’, we don’t want autonomy for Donbass, as we want to shell the crap out of them using all the US weapons given to us and the CIA training of our neo-Nazis.


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