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What a surprise! AP journalist calling Jews ‘FILTHY PIGS’, asks how many BABIES an IDF soldier eats for breakfast!

Goons like Brian Stelter and other media whiners are playing this up for all it’s worth – without mentioning Biden of course the way they would Trump – milking it to make the story about them and about Israel being evil.

So it shouldn’t be a surprise that an AP journalist was just exposed by Breitbart News as a grotesque anti semite.

An Associated Press (AP) photojournalist based in Morocco has a history of anti semitic tweets and public comments, Breitbart News has learned.

Mosa’ab Elshamy, now an AP staff photojournalist based in Morocco, sent a series of anti semitic tweets between 2010 and 2011, prior to his employment with the AP.

In one Nov. 24, 2010, tweet, a reply to an account that no longer exists, Elshamy tweeted that he believes what he called “the filthy pigs theory,” in his view, “should only be applied to Zionists (and their women).”

What a shocker right? Here’s a couple of the tweet images that Breitbart recovered.

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