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What Are the Four Horsemen in the Apocalypse During the End Times?

These four horsemen appear to symbolically portray four disastrous occurrences that will take place before the second coming of Jesus Christ. Historians have argued over whether these events have already happened or whether mankind has yet to experience them.

This part of the Tribulation with four figures riding horses is one of the more eerie parts of End Times prophecy. Much intrigue has been built around these four characters featured in the book of Revelation that iconic art, books, and even movies have capitalized on these four horsemen of the apocalypse.

The four horsemen of the apocalypse appear to symbolically portray four disastrous occurrences that will take place before the second coming of Jesus Christ. Historians have argued over whether these events have already happened or whether mankind has yet to experience them. But most evidence points to the fact these have yet to take place.

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