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What Did I Mean By “Virus Communism?”

spent over three decades alongside hundreds of others worldwide, thousands in fact, in a war against the repressive nature of Single Deadly Virus Theory, in our case, “HIV.”

It displaced barbed wire, a Berlin Wall, gulags, and all physical forms of totalitarianism and replaced them all in one fell swoop with an interior prison. Revolutionary “woke” brand new and wholly uncharted and unproven Lysenkoist “science” now jailed people by way of an antibody test that stopped them from living or being free to live. Free to love, procreate, aspire, breast-feed, or live without a ticking clock of doom allegedly in their blood.

All against all.

In 2020, the big one: Covid. “SARS cov-2,” an entirely synthetic thing generated by genetic sequences in trans-national computers.

And what did it do?

Did it not:

Terminate all previous rights to life previously thought to be “western?” Including:

—The right to free assembly

—The right to free travel

—The right to bodily autonomy

—The right to express dissent, freedom of speech

—The right to work, to breathe, to allow children to breathe, the right of children to go to school

—The right to run a business

—The right to worship

—The right to refuse federally ordained injections, despite no proof of safety, and abundant proof of damage and death

Did it not:

—Render life colorless, joyless, hopeless?

—Turn neighbor against neighbor and child against parent?

—Induce cult-ish obedience, shame the dissenters, demand worship of a spectral idol, and insult God?

—-Encourage surveillance and espionage, as well as public shaming and professional liquidation?

—-Create a direct line between government blacklists, based on Covid opinion, social media, employers, and more with tentacles reaching into every formerly free realm of human life? (The Twitter files revealed all this.)

—Normalize the notion of prison camps (gulags) for the disobedient?


Is it really a stretch that I coined the term “virus communism?”

Does it not aim to liquidate millions of us, and finally, usher us into social credit scores, a Central Bank Digital Currency system that controls every aspect of our lives based on our allegiance to the state doctrine of “Covid?”

I could call it “Virus fascism.” It certainly draws its lifeblood from eugenics, de-population, technocracy, and 1984 end stage tyranny.

Are fascism and communism not kissing cousins? Am I defaming “communism” and giving “fascism” a pass?

Why do people get protective and defensive about this word “communism?”

The spiritual attack is very similar to communism, with strong elements of fascism—what difference does it make? The point is that “virus” is the new pretext and pretense for every imaginable form of oppression.

HIV/AIDS was not a disease, not a struggle against a disease—it was a revolution one was meant to surrender one’s mind, body and soul to…

READ FULL ARTICLE HERE… – by Celia Farber (

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