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What is wrong with Nikki Haley?

“Hey guys, welcome to the liberal hive mind, a channel solely focused on exposing Democrats secretly disguised as Republicans and, of course, by that definition, you know exactly who this video is about. We’re talking about Nikki Haley once again. I wish it wasn’t so, but she’s still in the race. In fact, it seems as though she’s campaigning two times harder than she was before despite her campaign having clearly no hope. But anyways, Nikki Haley’s campaign messaging outside of ‘we’re going to send your children to war’ has been mostly defensive posturing against accusations that she’s funded or connected with Democrats or that she’s an establishment political player. She keeps saying, ‘I’m not a Democrat, the elites are scared of me, I’m not part of the establishment, I’m a new generation of conservative leadership.’ And of course, I don’t need to present evidence, just go on her Twitter account, and of course, we’ve covered this in previous videos, but that’s pretty much the totality of her messaging campaign these days. ‘I’m not a Democrat and I’m not an establishment shill.’ So the question is, well, how exactly is Nikki Haley going to convince us that that’s the case? Well, she’s come up with pretty much the greatest strategy that anybody could have devised: cozy up with the elitist Democrats at SNL and do a puffy media tour across leftist cable networks. Well, I’m convinced Nikki Haley is now a Grassroots anti-establishment political Outsider, you can sense the sarcasm. Nikki Haley literally goes and partners with the opponent to attack the Republican leader, genius, I mean, absolutely genius campaign strategy. She’s not actually trying to win this election; she is a saboteur. We got some stuff to get into, so let’s roll the tape.”


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