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What the Biden Campaign Doesn’t Want You to Know About His Philly Audience

By Nick Arama

As I reported earlier, Joe Biden went to Philadelphia on Wednesday to try to make another pitch to black voters to stop fleeing and vote for him and Kamala Harris.

 It was a problematic address at Girard College, with Biden going into full on pandering, race-baiting mode and lying his head off about former President Donald Trump. You could tell how concerned he is about Trump getting black voters and his chances in Pennsylvania by this visit.

He tried to tell the audience that it was former President Donald Trump who was pandering because he was so worried about the crowds that Trump was able to get into places like New Jersey and the South Bronx, traditionally Democratic strongholds.

I touched on this a little bit in my earlier story, but there was something else besides his insane remarks — it was what they did to try to make his small crowd look bigger. But first, let’s look at what they would like you to believe, courtesy of their hacks/surrogates.

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