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What’s Really Behind The Renewed Fight to Disarm America?

by Justin O. Smith

In a perfect world, evil would not exist and no one would ever be murdered in so abhorrent, horrific manners as we regularly witness. Life would be wonderful and rosy and everyone would love one another, but the world we have is far from perfect and people die every day, sometimes in most horrible ways that make one shudder. We cannot let our fear of death move us to make our world so safe and secure that we relinquish and abandon every last vestige of our freedom and individual liberty.

Crying “Uvalde”, the fight to disarm America has been renewed by Joe Biden and the Democratic-led Congress, with ignorant, misguided Republicans seeming to side with them for the moment; but, regardless of who may see this as a great idea, Americans must not allow their heartbreak over the loss of these innocent children’s lives, in this shooting or the thirteen others since the 1999 Columbine shooting, to be used as a political weapon to disarm all America. Although not one single person is trying to diminish these tragedies and the 169 lives lost, or the thousands of lives taken by criminal and mentally ill perpetrators of murders and suicides in America each year, all of this pales in comparison to what will become of America, should we allow these tyrants-in-waiting to actually suppress our right to keep and bear arms and succeed in their quest to exert complete and total power over the entire population…

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