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When Globalism Falls, American Liberty Will Rise

by J.B. Shurk

Dynamic change is unsettling.  We humans grasp at the status quo and squeeze.  Alas, the globalist cartel wants to “fundamentally transform” the world, and whether we like it or not, we are along for the ride.  Many Westerners are only now waking up to the reality that a ridiculously small group of influential “elites” have been pushing us down this path for quite some time.  Future history books will highlight (when factual history returns to education) how WWII served as the inflection point for unleashing a torrent of international institutions and norms (disguised as mechanisms for “maintaining the peace”) that have succeeded in concentrating wealth and power in a small number of people intent on ruling over everyone else.

Their centralized control over monetary currencies has made them fabulously rich and left everyone else in debt.  Property, income, purchases, inheritances — everything you “own” through the fruits of your labor is taxed and laundered by corrupt legislatures back into the pockets of the same currency-manipulators who print money and buy off politicians for a living.  You are taxed for simply holding a dollar in your hand because every day, that dollar loses value through intentionally constructed inflation used to prop up stock market “growth” while destroying middle-class savings.  The World Economic Forum wants Westerners to “own nothing,” and by golly, through taxation and inflation alone, it’s halfway there.

The globalist cartel lies about everything.  The same players who bemoan “income inequality” have used the post-WWII order to steal at least half the value of every person’s lifetime of labor.  (American colonists rebelled over a tax rate of 1%!)  The same “woke” corporations that rail against the “structural racism” of Western “colonialism” have been conquering the world, exploiting poor nations for cheap manufacturing, and sucking up the savings of wealthier nations through the new-age religion of rampant consumerism.  Globalism is colonialism, but public relations firms have spent decades hiding that obvious truth…

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