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When the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Ride — Revelation 6

By Ray Hermann, D.Min.

Throughout two thousand years of Christian history, and several hundred years longer in Jewish history, the idea of an apocalypse has been studied. This predicted cataclysm is a series of earth-wide events, preceding God’s destruction of the evil ruling powers impacting humanity.

Although previously implied and even promised, these events are symbolically described in detail in a revelation from Jesus to the Apostle John, recorded in what is commonly called the Book of Revelation.

After being exiled to the small Greek island of Patmos, as punishment for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, John was shown a vision from the Lord and is told to write down what he sees and send the information to seven churches in Asia. In his vision John is told what to write in the church messages, which include criticism, commendation, comfort, and images of judgment for the wicked. He is shown many future events, including entities riding colored horses, angels blowing trumpets, bowls filled with wrath, and numerous other fantastic happenings all related to the end of this age…

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