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Whether Hasan Piker Likes It or Not, Racial Slurs Are Racial Slurs, No Matter the Skin Color

by Brandon Morse

For those who don’t know of Hasan Piker, he’s considered one of the greats on Twitch, the live-streaming platform for gamers, commentators, and girls in bikinis. Piker is the nephew of Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks, and as you can probably imagine, his ideological stance is so far left it drifts into ludicrousness.

He’s the same person who said America deserved 9/11complimented the man who took Dan Crenshaw’s eye and bought a very expensive house in LA despite his view that the wealth should be spread around.

But lo and behold, Piker has received a seven-day ban from Twitch for using the racial slur against white people, “cracker.” The issue apparently started when two of Piker’s mods were banned over the use of the term, causing Piker to get angry and double down on their behalf, and call a commenter a “dumb cracker b***h.”…

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