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BREAKING NEWS: Whistle-blower is a registered DEMOCRAT, new leak reveals – and that was why inspector general said CIA agent had ‘arguable political bias’ against Donald Trump

  • Whistle-blower whose accusations started the latest chapter in impeachment saga is a registered Democrat
  • Inspector General for the Intelligence Community concluded the person had an arguable political bias’ against President Trump
  • News broke on CNN and the whistle-blower’s attorney tweeted: ‘Give me a break! Bias? Seriously?’

The unidentified whistle-blower who filed a complaint against Donald Trump is a registered Democrat – the basis for an inspector general’s claim that the person may have had an ‘arguable political bias’ against the sitting Republican president.

CNN reported Thursday on the unnamed CIA officer’s voter registration record.

‘A source familiar with the whistle-blower investigation tells me that the political bias referred to by the Intelligence Community Inspector General is that the whistleblower is a registered Democrat,’ CNNs Jake Tapper said on the air. ‘That is the bias.’

He also said the inspector general concluded that the whistle-blower’s political offiliation didn’t change the facts in his complaint.

Mark Zaid, the whistle-blower’s attorney, said on Twitter that his clients ‘bias’ was ‘nothing more than … registered Democrat.’

‘Give me a break! Bias? Seriously? Most ppl are,’ he added, while declining to confirm the information.

In 31 U.S. states, plus the District of Columbia, Americans identify themselves as members of specific political parties when they register to vote. The other 19 states dont require it.

If the whistle-blower is in fact registered to vote as a Democrat, then, he does not live in Virginia – one of the two states that surround D.C.


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