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Who Is ‘Wanda The Stuffer’? And Why Did She Get Arrested.

By Matt Vespa 


Wanda Geter-Pataky has been arrested. Fox News’ Jesse Waters dubbed her ‘Wanda the stuffer” because she got busted doing precisely that on camera. Ms. Wanda’s alleged election fraud operations have nothing to do with the 2020 election. However, it still speaks to the issue of election integrity and shows Democrats, once again, that there are people who help steal elections.

Geter-Pataky was arrested for alleged fraudulent election activity from the 2019 elections in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Many questions relate to this whole saga, some parts you can’t make up. Geter-Pataky was also arrested with three others. They’re due in court on June 24 (via Fox 61):

A Bridgeport city employee and city council member are among four people arrested in connection to misusing absentee ballots in the 2019 Bridgeport Democratic Mayoral Primary.

Wanda Geter-Pataky, 67, who is an employee for the city of Bridgeport, was arrested, along with Bridgeport City Councilor Alfredo Castillo, 52, and two Joe Ganim campaign workers: Nisla Heredia, 61 and Josephine Edmonds, 62.

All of them were charged with unlawful possession of absentee ballots.

Edmonds, Geter-Pataky and Heredia were also charged with tampering with a witness.

Geter-Pataky, Castillo and Heredia were charged with misrepresenting eligibility requirements for voting by absentee.

Castillo, Edmonds and Heredia were charged with failure to maintain absentee ballot distribution list.

Edmonds and Heredia were charged with being present when an absentee ballot applicant executed an absentee ballot.

Geter-Pataky and Castillo were charged with failure to sign an assister on an absentee ballot…


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