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WHO Pushes “Early Childhood Masturbation” For Toddlers, Encourages Questions About Gender Identity For Kids Aged 4 (Video)

By Tim Brown 


This is just more evidence that the United States should have never made a treaty with the United Nations.  The UN has been run by nothing but Marxists from its inception.  It is anti-American and anti-Christian at its very core and the US would do well to stop funding it and kicking them off of US soil.  However, because we have not done so, the godless, criminal enterprise of the United Nations and its agency, the World Health Organization (WHO), is now trying to advance the unthinkable on the world’s children.

Steve Watson has the story at Summit News.

Backlash has ensued following the renewed focus on the World Health Organisation’s “sexuality education” guidance for schools to provide to children as young as four years old…


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