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WHOA: Murkowski changes mind, says she WILL vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett. #USA! USA! USA!


Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski has changed her mind. After initially saying she didn’t think Barrett should be confirmed before the election, giving hope to Democrats that there might be a GOP insurgency to prevent confirmation, Murkowski on Saturday said “I will be a yes.”

“I believe that the only way to put us back on the path of appropriate consideration of judicial nominees is to evaluate Judge Barrett as we would want to be judged: on the merits of her qualifications,” said Murkowski.

“We do that when that final question comes before us. And when it does, I will be a yes.”

This is the right call, and a devastating blow for the Democrats. That tiny, thin little hope they had essentially dies here. No blocking. No stopping.

Barrett will be confirmed. THIS WEEK.

God Bless America.


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