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WHO’s Dr. Tedros Blasts ‘Fake News, Lies, And Conspiracy Theories’ About The Pandemic Treaty

By Jacob M. Thompson

“We cannot allow this historic agreement, this milestone in global health, to be sabotaged by those who spread lies, either deliberately or unknowingly,” Tedros remarked.

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus recently rebuked the claims surrounding the highly touted pandemic treaty, which would effectively defer certain health ordinances under the care of the Director-General and the WHO, should they declare a pandemic.

Dr. Tedros claims this is just simply nonsense, he frustratedly remarked during a meeting on January 22nd. The topic of the discussion covered “strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.” Tedros claimed that “this is our chance – maybe our only chance – to get this done, because we have the momentum.”

He added: “Member States have committed to the historic task of delivering a pandemic agreement and a package of amendments to improve the International Health Regulations to the World Health Assembly in May of this year.”

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