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Why America’s elites grovel before communist China

By David Kupelian


David Kupelian explores why this nation’s leaders fawn over, fear, serve a brutal atheist dictatorship

With America self-destructing at maximum speed and the world daily inching closer to nuclear war, answering one question may hold the key to understanding much of what is currently vexing America. Here it is:

Why are the political, cultural and corporate leaders of America – long the freest, most successful, most prosperous and most Christian nation in history – now in craven submission to China, a ruthless, communist, totalitarian and explicitly atheistic dictatorship openly committed to ruling the world, including America?

The astonishing answers to this question come into view only when one can contemplate both the unprecedented level of political and financial corruption in America’s ruling class, and simultaneously the communist Chinese government’s brilliantly devious methods of unconventional total warfare.






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