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Why Are Orthodox Christians Taking Transhuman Pond-Scum Frankenshots?

Originally appeared at: Orthodox Reflections

Noncompliance with the tyrants, reliance on God, and repentance are your only real options. The world’s problems primarily are spiritual, and they must be addressed spiritually.

Well, Dear Reader, in which Dystopian tale do we find ourselves held captive, amid masks, interpersonal chaos, failing economies, alleged bioweapons, and Injections Without End Amen?

To be sure, there are still humane moments to be had, Glory to God. But overall, I think this fictional Venn diagram captures the situation. It suggests we are being held at the intersection of 1984, Brave New World, and Fahrenheit 451, among other supposedly fictional scenarios.

Frankenstein, Jurassic Park, Idiocracy, and They Live also strike a chord, as does Blade Runner. That latter film is based on Philip K. Dick’s 1968 novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? The story is a “transhumanist” fantasy, in which real humans and human-like androids interact. You’re never entirely sure which is which, and occasionally the androids act more humanely than the humans…



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