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Why are TPTB tracking people with Rh-negative blood so closely?

Answer: Because people with Rh-negative blood type really are different.

Cosmic Convergence Research Group

So different, in fact, that some scientific researchers actually believe that only through the introduction of alien life on planet Earth, as in extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) from outer space, can the Rh-negative blood type be explained.  Other evolutionary theorists postulate that:

 there is an unbroken bloodline from early human
(pre-humans) to present day human beings.”
(Source: The Mystery of Rh-Negative Blood—Genetic Origin Unknown)

The real question to this modern mystery is: Why does the U.S. government track those with Rh-negative factor, especially those with O- blood type, with such extraordinary monitoring techniques—worldwide?

The X-Files

The answer to this question can be extrapolated from one little known factoid.

That factoid became evident to anyone who watched The X-files for any period of time.*

This very popular ‘science fiction’ television series was actually coded in such a manner so as to disseminate numerous hidden truths about the secret workings of various organs of the National Security State both within and external to the U.S. Federal Government.  It was particularly designed to disclose critical details about the covert operations of the black-budgeted intelligence agencies and special secret services dealing with UFOs, alien visitations and extraterrestrial civilizations, both genuine and fabricated.

In fact, The X-Files was routinely used to inform the viewing public of many poignant, and sometimes highly radioactive truths.  Most of this classified info was carefully interspersed within a lot of obvious fiction in almost every episode.  In this way, the American psyche was indelibly imprinted with much esoteric knowledge about the clandestine shadow government which it would normally never have been exposed to.

The final series of The X-Files revealed one VERY IMPORTANT truth about the notorious alien abductions, which is now considered common knowledge among UFO and ET aficionados.  That there were, and are, no alien abductions; there are only government kidnappings. And, that the exceedingly impressive Roswell UFO incident, just like the other much-publicized UFO events, was actually executed by the U.S. Military and Hollywood to spread the fake story that aliens are visiting us, and even crashing their spaceships into the Earth (apparently they ran out of gas).

KEY POINT: All alleged alien abductions were actually elaborate hoaxes perpetrated against unsuspecting people who were transported to specially equipped labs deep underground.  The illusion of spaceships commandeered by EBEs and evil grey aliens surrounding the operating tables was fabricated as a cover to enable thousands of kidnappings of people of interest by the government. A disproportionate percentage of those criminal abductions were experienced by victims with O- blood.

This is the backdrop against which the so-called ‘alien abductions’ have supposedly taken place with far greater frequency since the end of World War II.  This ongoing phenomenon has perfectly paralleled another major development—the creation of the National Security State, which is, in reality, a “Global Security and Surveillance Matrix”.

So, who exactly is the government kidnapping on a regular basis in order to ship them off to an underground laboratories in Nevada, Utah or Colorado for quite deliberate human experimentation purposes?

The government, as it turns out, has an insatiable appetite for remote viewers, telepathics, clairvoyants, clairaudients, psychics, and other highly gifted folks whose extra-sensory perception (ESP) is working at a very high level.  In fact, the U.S. Armed Services and various Intelligence Agencies have aggressively recruited special individuals who have proven to be valuable military and/or intelligence assets.  Why not—what better way to gain a strategic advantage over an adversary during times of war or economic conflict? Except that in many cases these talented souls are bribed or blackmailed, coerced or forced to take on their dubious assignments.


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