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Why do private charities such as Tunnels to Towers and Wounded Warriors even need to exist?

Following the recent passage of the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill by our Congress and the subsequent signing of it into law by our president, details of this massive spending frenzy were provided by Rep. Dan Bishop’s (R-NC) office.

Thankfully, Congressman Bishop and his staff were able to provide the citizens of our country with details on the 4,155-page, out-of-control spending bill, highlighting such things as $3 million for “bee-friendly highways,” $50 million to research North Atlantic Right Whales, $410 million to “remain available to Reimburse (“Reimburse”?) Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt Tunisia and Oman for enhanced border security (What?!).”

Simultaneously, we all continue to see ads on television soliciting donations for Tunnels to Towers and for Wounded Warriors.

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