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Why Don’t Americans Like Democrat Policies When Democrat Policies Are So Great?


With Joe Biden sinking in the polls like a corrupt, senile inflatable duck with a hole in the bottom, Democrats are using all their resources to answer one question: Why don’t Americans like Democrat policies when Democrat policies are so great?

The search for answers began after Congresswoman and Conniving Harridan Nancy Pelosi was invited to speak at Oxford University so British students could hear what their language sounds like after you take all the meaning out of it.

Harridan Pelosi told the students that Americans are (and this is a real quote), “Poor souls who are looking for some answers. We Democrats have given them the answers, but they’re blocked by some of their views on guns, gays, and God, by which they mean a woman’s right to choose — and the cultural issues cloud some of their reception of an argument that really is in their interest.”

Now some of the Oxford students felt Pelosi’s words revealed that arrogant Democrat elites are completely ignorant about the ideas of ordinary people, while other students were too busy playing Candy Crush on their phones to hear what she said. But here at home, Democrats immediately decided to find out, why poor American souls won’t accept Democrat answers, when Democrat answers are so great.



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