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Why Is US-Funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Pushing The Exploitation Of Children By Leftist Activists?

When did the U.S. government start pushing the exploitation of minors? No, I’m not talking about Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein. I’m talking about the Left-leaning, anti-Trump, pro-LGBT agenda Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty which did just that today, hyping the exploitation of the Swedish child actress Greta Thunberg.

Anyone with any common sense or intellectual honesty would agree that someone (read Obama and the Soros machine) is manipulating, teaching, training, coaching the young Swedish girl to push the ‘climate change’ hoax.

What is shocking is that RFERL does it so openly, in the face of the Trump administration, with no regard to the fact that most of the country doesn’t believe their propaganda and are paying their salaries.


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