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Why It’s Important for Americans to Understand Mexico

By Allan Wall

Mexico is our next-door neighbor but it seems many Americans are not well-informed about it.

Wrong and outdated impressions of Mexico affect our policymakers as well. This is particularly true regarding border and immigration policy.

After all, we share a border of 1,954 miles with Mexico. That’s the border over which millions of Mexicans and non-Mexicans have invaded the U.S. over the past few years, facilitated by the Biden administration.

Consider a few relevant Mexico topics:

Wealth and Poverty

Americans think of Mexico as a poor country. And it is, compared to the United States.

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One Comment

  1. doug doug February 16, 2024

    Imagine That. Our illegals just want to come here for the benefits. Who Knew?? Of course they do and also by letting uncontrolled immigrants in, that also is future votes for the party which let them in initially. Go figure.. Many show no loyalty or patriotism towards our country and never will. That is the problem for starters. Until we begin to rein in our welfare system and make not only immigrants but slow our own perpetual welfare seekers accountable for their future and benefits that “are Given”, we will continue to be taken advantage of. Time to stop the welfare train!!!

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