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Why would P Diddy flee when facing charges for child sex trafficking?



Rap Epstein flees country…

Little known fact but he’s actually called p diddy because he’s both a pedophile and a diddler… LOL!

Let’s face it he’s probably guilty, would it even be that hard to believe? This dude has been so heavily and obviously involved in basically every shady major event that’s ever happened around the rap game since the 90s that I can’t believe this is finally going to be the thing that takes him down…

On March 4th, Candace Owens said that “the P. Diddy case is arguably bigger than the Jeffrey Epstein case, yet the media is virtually silent on it.

But why are the media silent about child trafficking?

Because, it’s a big circle and you ain’t in it… BUT:

Obama is in it:

Trump is in it:

And that’s actually a picture of the Ex of Diddy!

I hope she’s not a trafficker too. That would be crazy… At this point anyone associated with ghislaine maxwell should be thoroughly investigated for sex trafficking.

And that’s Prince Harry…


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