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Why You Can Stop Whining About Censorship

By Allan Stevo


Below is the script for a talk I gave on Thursday, May 19, 2022, at a rally against censorship at Facebook Headquarters in Menlo Park, California alongside local and national freedom fighters such as Robert Kennedy Jr., Naomi Wolf, Kevin Jenkins, Dr. Brian Hooker, Reinette Senum, Neil Mammen, Pastor Rob McCoy, Brianne Dressen, Denise Aguilar, and Tara Thornton. Hundreds attended. It was a powerful and inspiring event.  

Listen to me. 

No more whining. 

I don’t want to hear anyone whining about censorship. 

We are standing in a special place and there is a lesson to learn from where we are at. 

And that lesson gives you, gives me, gives every one of us an advantage. 

Come on in closer. Gather round. I have a story to tell. Come on, gather in. 



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