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Widespread indications of voter fraud and election corruption

Jared Dyson


Charlotte, NC — For months, Democrats have been focused on voting by mail as an absolute necessity in this election. Their excuse was that it was because of the pandemic. Now, it’s very clear it was their game plan all along.

There are multiple instances of Democrat corruption and cheating which is leading to lawsuits around the country. While the mainstream media argues that it is President Trump trying to steal an election, the evidence says otherwise.

In North Carolina, election officials have ruled that 40,000 provisional ballots must be reviewed. These ballots did not meet the criteria to normally be counted, but the election officials, led by Democrats, have ruled that they must be considered.

This disregards the guidelines of voting, such as being eligible, in your precinct, and by the appropriate date. The Democrats in North Carolina do not care, however, as they need these votes to overcome the lead of President Trump. Who cares if they are legitimate or not.

There’s also voter fraud reported out of Nevada. The Trump campaign claims they have evidence that unqualified voters cast ballots in the state. They also have a woman who was refused the right to vote, because she had “previously voted by mail.” The woman said her roommate took her ballot and voted on her behalf.

In Wayne County, Michigan, tens of thousands of votes are being questioned as Republicans were not allowed to take part in the normal process for addressing ballots that are not legible. Democrats took those ballots and made the adjustments for them to be read. Perhaps these were all part of the major ballot dump for Joe Biden that happened?

Also in Michigan, a dead man decided to cast a ballot as well. One Facebook user shared the pictures online, copied below for you to see. Additional dead votes were alleged in Nevada as well.

In Georgia, a judge dismissed a case where potentially ineligible votes were counted. The lawsuit suggests that votes were not received in time to be counted. Rather than calling for further investigation, the judge simply threw the case out.

This all started before the election took place even. In this report from Arizona, multiple ballots were found on a farm placed under rocks. Combine this with many other examples of ballots being found and you quickly get the idea.

Democrats are engaged in a widespread fraud operation, just like we all knew they would. They made no secret about it. Of course, they never do. They always blame Republicans for exactly what they intend to do.

They said President Trump would attempt to steal the election. They claimed he was causing issues at the United States Postal Service in order to prevent people from voting. Instead, they were just trying to make sure all the dead votes they cast were able to be counted.

President Trump has vowed to fight this voter fraud in the courts, with many lawsuits already having been filed. This is not just President Trump’s fight, but a fight for all of us.

We have to demand that the voting process be legal, fair, and accurate. There are guidelines and rules and those must be followed for the election to be legitimate.

For four years, the Democrats have tried to argue that President Trump is not legitimate. They have argued he is just an occupant. They never wanted a President, they simply wanted a puppet that would allow all of their socialist dreams to come true.

Jared Dyson is the Editor-in-Chief at The Liberty Loft and host of The Jared Dyson Show. Be sure to subscribe to The Liberty Loft’s daily newsletter. If you enjoy our content, please consider donating to support The Liberty Loft so we can continue to deliver great content.


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