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Woke Burger King Introduces “Pride Whopper” – Here’s What That Looks Like

By Jordan Case

It wasn’t that long ago when the left’s narrative on ‘gay rights’ was simple, straightforward, and easy to support: Let’s all be tolerant of one another, live and let live, and don’t discriminate. Tolerance is, after all, one of the fundamental tenets of the philosophy which drove America’s founding. But as the saying goes, “give someone an inch and they’ll take a mile,” which is the situation in which we find ourselves today.

The message of ‘tolerance’ eventually morphed into ‘acceptance.’ At some point late in the Obama Administration, our culture decided that it was inadequate to merely tolerate the shenanigans of the LGBTQ community, we needed to welcome them. This brings us to modern America, in which ‘acceptance’ has evolved into celebration. You’re only tolerant of LGBTQ lifestyles? Then you’re a bigot. You simply accept gay, lesbian, and transgender folks? How dare you.

Indeed, in America today, the relentless insistence from our friends on the left is that unless we rejoice for the LGBTQ crowd by wearing pride pins or posting rainbows on our Facebook page, we’re homophobic, transphobic, or something-else-phobic…

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