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Woke writer of pregnant ‘Joker’ comic was accused of ‘trans panic’ for X-Men trans metaphor storyline

by Joshua Young

On January 3rd, DC Comics released issue four of The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing in which the titular character became pregnant. Some online said the move made the Joker ‘trans now’ and the issue’s writer, Matthew Rosenberg, has a long history of left-wing social justice activism, including writing comics about trans issues.

Before he wrote about the Joker, a man, getting pregnant, he wrote issue 17 of Marvel’s Uncanny X-Men in 2019, where the character Rahne Sinclair, a mutant who can transform into a werewolf-like creature, was murdered by a group of men after she rebuffed their advances. After transforming into her wolf form, the men said she tried to “trap” them in an attack that was accused of stoking “trans panic” by left-wing outlets…

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