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Woman’s Face Says It ALL After Biden Celebrates Life of MLK Jr. By LYING Multiple Times In Church and Botching Name of New Black Supreme Court Justice “Kejan, Kejan, Ketanji DROWN Jackson” [VIDEO]

By Patty McMurray


Yesterday, only one day before the celebration of the life of Martin Luther King, Jr., Joe Biden delivered a sermon laced with lies at the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA, where Martin Luther King, Jr. was the pastor before he was murdered.

Instead of delivering a speech of unity on what would have been the 94th birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., the crooked faux president used the opportunity of a lifetime to tell several lies to the congregation where the dishonest Democrat Senator Ralph Warnock is currently the pastor.

The first lie Biden told has been told before and roundly debunked, but that didn’t stop Lyin’ Joe from telling it again.

“I have two political heroes—my entire life when I started off as a 22-year-old kid on the east side in the civil rights movement.”

Biden has already acknowledged that in the 1980s, he was not a civil rights activist and never marched during the movement.





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