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Women’s Support for Democrats Hits a 20-Year Low with Biden

There is a growing exodus from traditionally left-leaning demographics away from Joe Biden toward Donald Trump. In fact, a new analysis shows that Trump is rapidly closing Biden’s slim lead among women voters, with women’s support for Biden the lowest for a Democrat in two decades.

As inflation continues to spike and the cost of living becomes ever more unaffordable, many women, including black and Hispanic women, are remembering that they were doing much better under Trump than they are under Sleepy Joe Biden. New data from The New York Times and Siena College polls shows Biden, who led Trump by 13 points in the 2020 election, with only a four-point lead among women voters.

Democrat pollster Celinda Dion claimed, “Once the campaign kicks into high gear, abortion will rally the women.” But, so far, the NYT analysis showed inflation as the main issue, particularly for black and Hispanic women. “Women are not single-issue thinkers,” declared GOP pollster and former Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway. “Joe Biden and the Democrats seem to only talk to women from the waist down, since abortion is the only issue Joe Biden has an edge on in the polls.” Interestingly, black and Hispanic women are less likely to care about abortion than (young) white women. Again, if there is a single issue on which women intend to vote, evidence points to that being inflation rather than abortion, as even NYT confessed.

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