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World Economic Forum Panelist Says Drinking Coffee Is A Major Carbon Emitter And Needs To Be Reduced

by Jacob M. Thompson


No will not drink coffee and be happy.

A panelist during last week’s World Economic Forum (WEF) summit meeting in Davos, Switzerland, indicated that coffee is a major CO2 emitter and therefore insinuated that that too needs to be decarbonized.

This was during the segment titled “Putting a Price on Nature,” on January 17th. The WEF said, “Gross domestic product has more than doubled in the past three decades while natural capital has declined by nearly 40% within the same time frame. With more than half of the world’s GDP reliant on nature and its services, what is required to better connect ecology to economics, and conservation with development outcomes? Can the value of nature be quantified as a measure of economic performance?”

About midway through the discussion, Hubert Keller, Senior Managing Partner, Bank Lombard Odier & Co. Ltd in Switzerland, was asked about his perspective on “natural capital,” and investment and risk management practices in regards to investing in nature. He would go on to describe these “nature assets” as being destroyed by “economic activity.” “Nature is probably going to become a very significant asset class,” he added.

Later he was asked by the moderator to elaborate on a coffee example he gave before going live, after the host joked about how all of them had their morning coffee before coming on stage. Keller made the case that the coffee industry generates a massive amount of carbon emissions, and therefore implied that this must then be reduced…


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One Comment

  1. Sean Crawford Sean Crawford January 24, 2024

    World economic forum panelists saying anything is a Major carbon emitter and needs to be reduced.

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