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Wrong door, wrong driveway: How US got to shoot first, ask later


Patrik Jonsson 


A string of perplexing shootings across the United States has revealed an on-edge society where firing first and asking questions later – in other words, letting a gun do all the talking – has become, for some, acceptable if not always legal.

The incidents involve people, including children, who have been shot at for seemingly mundane acts and mistakes: ringing the wrong doorbell, pulling into the wrong driveway, chasing a ball into a neighbor’s yard.

There has long been a sense for travelers in unfamiliar areas that some driveways are better not breached – lest one meet a proverbial recluse holding a shotgun loaded with rock salt and nails.





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One Comment

  1. Doug Hegre Doug Hegre April 28, 2023

    As stated at the first part of this article, “People Are Scared”!! Sadly, that’s the worst reason ever to possess or own a weapon. When I went for mandatory training to get a concealed permit, saw people in the class that I would have not wanted to possess a weapon. Then, about 3/4 of the way through the class at a break, some burly fellow comes out and tried to scare the prospective concealed carry participants into purchasing “Insurance and Legal”. Well, in spite of wanting the permit,(so as not to have my weapon laying exposed when traveling), many of us are prior combat military and “DO” know weapon handling and the responsibility of shooting at a person so not concerning. But, to just have a gun “because Im scared” is a Recipe for Disaster. But lastly, while I used to think registry of a weapon to be a good idea, the current regime in charge wants to have this info available to the world. This cannot happen at any cost!! So, until we get “certain assurance” that cannot happen. Call me Concerned!! Not scared.

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