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WTF: California Introduces Bill to Provide Free Legal Assistance to Illegals Who Are Violent Felons

By Grateful Calvin


Just between us, Twitchy readers, we are running out of ways to describe how insane California has become. ‘Batpoop crazy’ doesn’t even begin to capture it anymore. The state that has decriminalized INTENTIONALLY spreading HIV to unsuspecting partners (thank you, Scott Wiener), allowed early parole for prisoners even if they were violent IN prison, removed teachers’ ability to discipline students in schools, and imposed massive taxes on gun owners, among other things has taken things to an all-new level of crazy.

Recently, California Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer introduced AB 2031, known as the ‘One California program.’ Contained within the bill are many provisions to protect illegal immigrants from deportation. What makes AB 2031 particularly reprehensible is a little clause inserted on the second page:

Existing law prohibits use of the grant funds to provide legal services to an individual who has been convicted of, or who is currently appealing a conviction for, a violent or serious felony. This bill would remove that prohibition on the use of funds for those individuals.

End Wokeness exposed this portion of the bill on Twitter Sunday evening.

Are you an illegal convicted of aggravated assault, armed robbery, rape, or murder? Don’t worry. California now wants to give you free legal representation, including representation to fight your deportation.

To be clear — as anyone who has watched a police procedural before knows — under the Sixth Amendment, U.S. citizens who cannot afford it are provided legal representation for free if they are charged with a crime. This right does NOT extend to non-citizens or illegal aliens…


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