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WTF? Nutty Med School Prof Says That Biological Sex Isn’t Real (VIDEO)

By K. Walker

Radical gender activists are now making the absurd argument that biological sex isn’t real.

Some are claiming that it’s just a “social construct” just like they claim that gender is. Those body parts and hormones can be (mostly) changed, so they don’t really mean anything.

Libs of TikTok posted a video of a person claiming to be a medical professor at West Virginia University saying that biological sex is a “TERF talking point” and isn’t real. (TERF stands for “Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists” but is a slur used by Trans Radical Activists to refer to any woman that holds to the position that biological sex is a reality and that “transwomen” are men who are identifying as women but cannot magically become women.)

The person speaking begins the video with credentialism stating that he is a medical professor that specializes in molecular biology but also has an “extensive background in gender studies and queer studies.”

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