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You Don’t Tug on Superman’s Cape — How Trump Is Clown-Slapping the Entire Deep State

By Kevin Downey Jr. 


If you’ve had the stomach to watch the news for the last two weeks, you’ve likely noticed the Pravda press media mudpuppies trying to spin Trump’s dauntless response to an assassin’s bullet into a “meh” moment.

FACT-O-RAMA! After a smelly, pimply-faced incel tried to assassinate Trump, he rose, shook his fist defiantly, and yelled, “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT” like the boss that he is. The left has been trying to downplay his pugnacious bravery ever since because they know he—once again—has proven himself to be a true leader, and all the bogus ActBlue donations in the world can’t buy the Democrats one of those.

Just when you thought MSNBC’s Joy Reid couldn’t possibly dishonor herself to a lower level of putrid, she took humiliation to a whole new level of cringe.

Watch Reid majestically beclown herself as she suggests Joe Biden’s “recovery” from an alleged case of the Bat stew flu is equal to Trump taking a bullet—bonus points for questioning whether Trump was actually shot in the first place.

Online apparatchiks also did his part, posting wacky Blue Anon conspiracy theories that were gobbled up by vegetables wearing patchouli-smelling t-shirts that read “Ridin’ with Biden Harris.”

The lefty lies were such piffle that even the Operation Mockingbird stooges at USA Today had to set (some) of the record straight


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