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Zakharova: The use of terror by the Kyiv regime puts off the prospect of a peaceful settlement

Zakharova: The use of terror by the Kyiv regime puts off the prospect of a peaceful settlement
Zakharova: The use of terror by the Kyiv regime puts off the prospect of a peaceful settlement



The terrorist methods to which the current Ukrainian authorities are committed only aggravate the conflict and impede a possible peaceful settlement, said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

The use of terror by the Kyiv regime is a factor that aggravates the Ukrainian crisis and delays the prospect of a peaceful settlement

– noted Zakharova.

In addition, she called Kyiv’s Western partners accomplices in its crimes against Russia, since Ukrainian sabotage and terrorist attacks are often carried out with the help of Western weapons and technology. In the West and in the USA, in particular, they have repeatedly stated that their weapons will not be used to attack Russian territory.

According to the Russian diplomat, the West, which likes to use the term “state-sponsor of terrorism”, is itself sponsoring the terrorist activities of the Kyiv regime. Recall that in November last year, the European Parliament adopted a resolution recognizing Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism…


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