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Zelensky’s Hall of Mirrors: Ukraine Blames West After Botching Proxy War With Russia

By Ilya Tsukanov

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has accused his NATO sponsors of playing “internal political games” instead of providing critical arms assistance to Kiev, warning that “the world will remember” such a betrayal. Sputnik reached out to a pair of veteran US military experts for a read on the implications of Zelensky’s comments.

“Ukraine asked for nothing more than necessary to protect lives,” Zelensky complained in a video address Saturday night, commenting on the deadly results of a purported Russian drone strike in Odessa.

“When lives are lost, and partners are simply playing internal political games or disputes that limit our defense, it’s impossible to understand. It’s unacceptable. And it will be impossible to forget – the world will remember this,” the politician said.

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