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Zelensky’s ‘Peace Conference’ Was Doomed to Be Pointless Without Russia – Bundestag MP

By Svetlana Ekimenko


Zelensky’s summit on Ukraine held in Switzerland fell short of its goals, with major powers and high-level representatives largely absent, including US President Joe Biden, China’s President Xi Jinping, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Volodymyr Zelensky’s Swiss-hosted “peace conference” on Ukraine was bound to be pointless without Russia’s participation, Steffen Kotre, Bundestag MP for the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, told Russian media.
As a result, it was reduced to nothing more than a venue for political posturing and wishful thinking, he said.
“It was to be expected that the conference would not bring any results, since Russia did not take part in it. The United States and its allies once again offered Ukraine pledges of support and promised to supply it with weapons. Therefore, Zelensky spouted assurances that Russia can be defeated. This is nothing but wishful thinking and is far from reality. In three weeks, everyone will have forgotten about this conference,” Kotre said.
According to the German politician, there can only be one first step on the path to peace – an “unconditional ceasefire.” He added that the “rights of [Russian speaking] minorities must be respected,” and underscored that “Ukraine cannot become a member of NATO if Russia’s security interests are to be taken into account.”
Territorial issues must be resolved jointly by the conflicting parties,” Kotre emphasized…


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