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12 Unexpected Nicotine Health Benefits




Dangers of smoking are common knowledge, including lung cancer, heart disease and lots of other life-threatening health conditions. As a well-known component of cigarette smoke, nicotine is often blamed for its negative effects. However, tobacco contains 7,000 different chemicals, many of which are toxic or even carcinogenic. Various studies have shown that, away from cigarettes, nicotine has many medicinal properties. For this reason, nicotine gums, patches and other products are used across the world.

What Are the Positive Effects of Nicotine?

Some established positive effects are listed below:

1.     Increase Neurotransmitters

Studies have shown that the human brain contains about 86 billion neurons which depend on chemicals known as neurotransmitters to communicate between each other and to process information. Neurotransmitters help to regulate various functions within the body, including energy, sleep, libido, addictions, cravings and mood. They also control the way we learn, remember, focus and handle stress. Nicotine works by imitating acetylcholine and binding to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors to promote discharge neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and acetylcholine which are involved in cognitive functions.

2.     Have Antidepressant Properties

One of the positive effects of nicotine is antidepressant. This property is believed to work due to nicotine’s ability to affect the mind when it acts on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. This action then has an impact on neural-pathways responsible for an individual’s frame of mind. Nicotine is also thought to reduce stress and improve an individual’s mood. Stimulating the central nervous system, altering brain waves and increasing the levels of some neurotransmitters also play a role in the antidepressant properties. Some medics regularly prescribe nicotine as an antidepressant.

3.     Possess Neuroprotective Properties





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