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2022 – The Rise of The Empire Spirit & The Revelation of The Christ!

by By Faith Marie Baczko

Throughout history, the wreckage over nations—the mark of the ancient spirit of Empire, is seen in the havoc it has wreaked through a multitude of wars over the Earth, with two world wars in the twentieth century. This spirit invaded the hearts and minds of ancient and modern rulers, moving them to grandiose and expansionist thoughts, inspiring the invasion and occupation of lands and territories of other nations.

The Empire spirit is now once again rearing its monstrous head, moving the peoples of the earth toward wars and rumors of wars, and possibly World War III. The aggressive expansionist ideals of corrupt rulers are founded upon the obsessive desire to increase their sphere of influence, possess power, and economic dominance on the world stage. One such nation is China, now moving to expand its territory into the China Seas, and its influence in East Asia and beyond into the world; they are moved by global aspirations to dominate other nations and territories. Russia, by its recent actions, is revealing its desire to reclaim lands once lost, expand its territory, and remerge once again as a global military power in the world….

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