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Caravan to Midnight – Knights & Dames : Tina Peters


Tina Peters – The Truth Matters


Introduction Bio:

Please welcome Navy SEAL Gold Star Mom, cancer survivor, and whistleblower Tina Peters. As the elected Mesa County Clerk in Colorado, Tina made a crucial backup of her county’s Dominion Voting System server. During this process, she uncovered evidence of manipulation not only in a recent local city council election but also in the pivotal 2020 general election. This discovery set off a tumultuous chain reaction that upended her life, leading to personal attacks, costly legal battles, and her eventual removal from office. Despite these challenges, Tina has remained steadfast in her commitment to safeguard American democracy. Over the last two and a half years, she has faced overwhelming adversity, including significant financial strain, all in the effort to alert the public to the potential usurpation of our fundamental liberties. Tonight, Tina joins us to share her journey, discuss the integrity of our elections, and inspire others to stand united in protecting the values that define our nation. Let’s give a warm welcome to a true defender of electoral transparency and security, Tina Peters.



Tina Peters, a former Mesa County Clerk in Colorado, has found herself at the center of a contentious legal and political storm. Her story began when she made a backup of her county’s Dominion Voting System server before a scheduled update, which she claims led to the discovery of potential evidence of election manipulation. This act, which she framed as a measure to ensure election integrity, resulted in her facing accusations of unauthorized access to government property and other related charges.

Authorities allege that Peters overstepped her official duties by allowing unauthorized access to sensitive election equipment and data, which they argue could undermine public trust in the electoral process. This has led to a 10-count indictment against her, including seven felonies and three misdemeanors. The charges are serious, encompassing potential violations of election law and unauthorized actions involving election equipment.

Peters’ actions and the subsequent legal battles have polarized public opinion. She portrays herself as a whistleblower fighting against corrupt practices and vulnerabilities in election systems, while her critics see her actions as reckless and potentially harmful, risking the security and integrity of election infrastructure.

As her trial approaches, with jury selection set for late July, Peters continues to defend her actions and maintain her stance on election integrity. Her story has gained significant attention, making her a figure of considerable controversy and support, depending on one’s perspective on election security and integrity in the United States.

Tina Peters – The Truth Matters

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