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2K Migrants Apprehended in Single Border Sector in One Day, 34K in March


Border Patrol agents in the Texas Rio Grande Valley Sector apprehended more than 2,000 migrants who illegally crossed the border in a single day last week. A Border Patrol commander in the nation’s busiest human smuggling sector says his agents apprehended more than 34,000 migrants so far this month.

“RGV agents remained busy on Thursday, apprehending over 2000 illegal aliens,” Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Patrol Agent Brian Hastings tweeted. “Thursday’s encounters pushed RGV’s weekly total over 10K apprehensions! March monthly totals are now over 34K for #RGV Sector alone.”

Hastings’ tweet comes just two days after he tweeted his agents apprehended 19 large groups of more than 100 migrants since the beginning of the year.

The number of migrants apprehended after illegally crossing the border from Mexico skyrocketed during President Joe Biden’s first full month in office.

In the five Border Patrol sectors headquartered in Texas, agents apprehended more than 64,000 migrants in February. This represents a 27 percent increase over January, Breitbart Texas reported.

Nationally, Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 100,000 migrants who illegally crossed the southwest border into the United States in February — the highest February since 2006.

After being overwhelmed, particularly in the Rio Grande Valley Sector, Biden administration officials began a policy to release migrant families apprehended after a brief interview process. The migrant families are being released without a Notice to Appear before an immigration court, Breitbart Texas’ Randy Clark reported on Sunday morning.

In February, Rio Grande Valley Sector agents apprehended 10,489 Family Unit Aliens, according to the Southwest Border Land Encounters report. It is not clear from Chief Hastings’ tweet how many of March’s more than 34,000 migrant apprehensions were family units.


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