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Discovery of Flash Frozen Antarctica Civilization



Discovery of an advanced civilization in Antarctica that was flash frozen has shocked political and scientific figures that have witnessed it, according to secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode in a December 11 update.

In part one, I described  how Goode’s military abductor “Sigmund” from a USAF/DIA/NSA/NRO secret space program, had learned of the existence of more advanced classified space programs such as Solar Warden from Goode. During Goode’s abduction on October 26, Sigmund revealed more information about his own activities, including time spent in Antarctica:

Furthermore he told me that he had been stationed at several military installations in Antarctica and had spent time in the very area where the Anshar had taken me on a reconnaissance flight.

Goode has previously written a report describing an extensive tour of Antarctica facilities controlled by the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, another secret space program he discussed in depth, by an ancient Inner Earth civilization called the Anshar.

Sigmund then went on to describe recent discoveries in Antarctica, which explain the growing scientific, political and religious interest over the frozen continent:

He [Sigmund] stated that an extremely ancient series of cities had been discovered flash frozen deep under the ice-shelf.  He confirmed that there were also many animals and “pre-Adamites” preserved in the ice
. They were all flattened/ crushed or knocked over by the event that flash froze the area. They have tons of trees/ plants and wildlife frozen in place, like they were put on pause.

This is startling confirmation of the research conducted by Sir Charles Hapgood who has previously studied evidence of pole shifts that have led to the Earth’s axis of rotation shifting dramatically in a short period, where sub-tropical areas might suddenly find themselves at the poles.

His 1958 book, Earth’s Shifting Crust, featured a foreword by Albert Einstein endorsing the rigor of Hapgood’s research. Hapgood summed up his theory as follows:

Polar wandering is based on the idea that the outer shell of the earth shifts about from time to time, moving some continents toward and other continents away from the poles. Continental drift is based on the idea that the continents move individually
A few writers have suggested that perhaps continental drift causes polar wandering. This book advances the notion that polar wandering is primary and causes the displacement of continents
.This book will present evidence that the last shift of the earth’s crust (the lithosphere) took place in recent time, at the close of the last ice age, and that it was the cause of the improvement in climate.”

Hapgood’s thesis that the last pole shift had happened at the end of the last ice age about 11,000 BC had apparently been startlingly confirmed by the discovery of a flash frozen Antarctica civilization.

Furthermore, this also confirms that the Oronteus Fineus map, which shows an ice-free Antarctica, is based on ancient historical records where Antarctica once possessed a thriving civilization before a devastating Pole Shift event.

As to the question of when the Antarctica discovery was made, Goode says:

The first discoveries occurred some time back, not sure. They had an idea of what was below the ice after doing very high-tech scans from space. They had been excavating one site and discovered many, many others spread out across what used to be dry ground. This happened over time.

They have been studying what they are finding, and moving some of it out before bringing in various bigwigs from various secret societies. Then they do tours like the “Cabal Disneyland” they have in the stasis chamber in Ohio. They are continuing to excavate, but know what is around in the areas where they have cleared away the ice.

They are worried that all of the steam excavation could cause the surface of the ice shelf to collapse down on the sites they have uncovered. I think they would have to go public in some sort of a way to go bigger on this excavation and widen it.

Goode provided the following artistic sketch of the Antarctica discovery.



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One Comment

  1. Michelle (M.C.) Huffer Michelle (M.C.) Huffer February 26, 2022

    Note: The elongated hats spoken of by Goode actually resemble the head of a fish with an open mouth; many of Christ’s disciples were fisherman and Christ himself was referred to as ‘a fisher of men.’ Hence, the symbolic fish head hats employed in the Church of Rome’s dog and pony show. Secondly, the Pontiff and his bishops and cardinals have often been seen in public and, while several may be wicked child molesters, they’re heads are of normal size. This flight of fancy in the archaeology article concerning such head coverings made me roll my eyes. There is, however, a huge extraterrestrial interstellar craft that that has been melted out of the ice. Lastly, ancient people re-shaping their babies’ skulls to such proportions could possibly be in imitation of some thing, and it wasn’t because they wanted their children to be accepted at Harvard (personally, Cambridge is the better school).

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