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Stop gardening NOW! It’s dangerous!

by Patrice Lewis

It’s no secret the international food supply has come under severe stress in the last year. Fertilizer and livestock feed shortages, diesel prices, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the collapse of Sri Lanka, green energy policies, droughts, mysterious food factory fires, transportation issues – the dire news goes on and on.

Many of these events seem deliberately orchestrated. Sri Lanka didn’t collapse because it was having a bad hair day; it collapsed because its government forcibly shut down commercial fertilizer usage in an attempt to implement organic substitutes. The result was a catastrophic reduction in yields and mass hunger. Coupled with the loss of tourism (from COVID lockdowns) and fuel shortages, the result is a previously stable nation in absolute tragic freefall.

A similar scenario is unfolding in Holland, a small nation that exports a staggering amount of food. In an effort to conform to “green” standards and reduce nitrogen emissions by 70% by 2030, government mandates would result in a huge number of farms being forcibly shut down, with a predictable reduction in food production. The issue has been simmering for a number of years, and this summer farmers across the country exploded in rage. “The forced reductions in farming and food production are said to be an ‘unavoidable’ part of the Green Agenda to improve air, soil and water quality,” notes Dr. Joseph Mercola

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