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Actual invasion of U.S. underway: Hundreds of thousands of military-aged males pouring into country with help from the Biden regime

By JD Heyes


The situation along the U.S.-Mexico border is not just about a ‘rise in illegal immigration,’ it is actually an orchestrated invasion of our country paid for by American tax dollars and facilitated by the treasonous Biden regime.

In a recent social media post, independent journalist Michael Yon, who has been documenting the situation for months while on the ground in Central and South America, posted a video of busses streaming out of a jungle assembly area under escort by police and military, en route to the United States.


“NOW — buses filled with unvetted Aliens just departing jungle. Driving through a network largely funded by US taxpayers to invade United States. Most are military aged males,” he posted on Twitter June 3.


“The men in these buses may be anywhere in America within 10-15 days. This is an invasion force facilitated by US military, Department of State, Homeland Security, CIA, and more. The routes in green — I just drew with my finger. Those are the routes the aliens just took from Colombia to get to the circle in Panama where I just made the video,” he added.


“Aliens continue on Highway 1 to Costa Rica and soon to your neighborhood. Interesting as I close this at 1916hrs Panama time, just heard 8 gunshots maybe not far away. I do not hear gunshots here as often as LA or San Diego,” he noted.



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