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Fluoride Expert Squares Off Against EPA on Day 1 of Landmark Trial

After a nearly four-year delay, federal Judge Edward Chen on Wednesday heard opening statements in a lawsuit seeking to compel the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to prohibit water fluoridation in the U.S. due to fluorideā€™s toxic effects on childrenā€™s developing brains.

After a nearly four-year delay, federal Judge Edward Chen on Wednesday heard opening statements in a lawsuit seeking to compel the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to prohibit water fluoridation in the U.S. due to fluorideā€™s toxic effects on childrenā€™s developing brains.

Fluoride Action Network (FAN)Ā sued the EPAĀ in 2017 ā€” after the agency denied itsĀ petitionĀ to end water fluoridation under theĀ Toxic Substances Control ActĀ (TSCA). This weekā€™s trial is the first to challenge the dismissal of such a petition. Other plaintiffs includeĀ Moms Against FluoridationĀ and other advocacy groups and individuals.

Fluorideā€™s neurotoxic effects on childrenā€™s brain development were not in dispute during opening statements and in testimony delivered by the plaintiffsā€™ first expert witness,Ā Dr. Howard Hu, an internist and preventive medicine specialist, with a doctoral degree in epidemiology.

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