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Looks Like Ronna McDaniel Is Out After All: Trump Releases Endorsements of New RNC Slate

By Jennifer Van Laar 


After the New York Times reported last Tuesday that Ronna McDaniel was stepping down from her post as chairwoman of the Republican National Committee after the South Carolina primary, McDaniel sent an email to the 168 members of the RNC telling them that she wasn’t going to be distracted by palace intrigue and there would be nothing to report about the RNC’s future until after South Carolina. Some interpreted that as a signal that McDaniel was still fighting for her job and wouldn’t go quietly or easily.

If that was true, then it seems now that the fight is over. Monday evening Donald Trump issued a statement with his recommendations for RNC chair, co-chair, and COO. It reads:

The RNC MUST be a good partner in the Presidential election.  It must do the work we expect from the national Party and do it flawlessly.  That means helping to ensure fair and transparent elections across the country, getting out the vote everywhere – even in parts of the country where it won’t be easy – and working with my campaign, as the Republican presumptive nominee for President, to win this election and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

For these reasons, I think my friend Michael Whatley should be the RNC’s next leader. Michael has been with me from the beginning, has done a great job in his home state of North Carolina, and is committed to election integrity, which we must have to keep fraud out of our election so it can’t be stolen.

My very talented daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, has agreed to run as the RNC Co-Chair. Lara is an extremely talented communicator and is dedicated to all that MAGA stands for. She has told me she wants to accept this challenge and would be GREAT!

I have also asked Chris LaCivita, in whom I have full confidence, to assume the role of, in effect, Chief Operating Officer of the Committee. Chris will manage the RNC’s day-to-day operations so it will become a fighting machine for 2024 and use all the tools available to win for the American people.

This group of three is highly talented, battle-tested, and smart.  They have my complete and total endorsement to lead the Republican National Committee.

Every penny will be used properly. New Day.

From that, it seems that Trump wants the RNC’s spending to be prioritized on categories that have an effect on winning elections.

As far as the people he’s recommending, at least two are sure to be controversial. Whatley, the current North Carolina GOP chair, has been sued by party members over his handling of his own re-election…


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