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Which Joe Biden will show up for debate?

ByĀ David Kupelian


Dazed, mumbling, confused, words-trailing-off ā€“ or angry, shouting, words-running-together?

With the nation’s ā€“ and perhaps much of the world’s ā€“ attention fixated on Thursday night’s presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, one question that is doubtlessly looming large in the minds of many people is: Which Joe Biden will show up for the CNN-hosted primetime debate?

Joe Biden delivers remarks at St. Muredach's Cathedral, Friday, April 14, 2023, in Abbeyhalfquarter, Ballina, County Mayo, Ireland. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)

For two jarringly different versions of the 81-year-old president are evident to just about everyone.

One version, by far the most common, is the dazed, wandering-off, disoriented, shaking-hands-with-the-air, stumbling, mumbling, speech-slurring Joe Biden, of which countless embarrassing videos populate the internet. Indeed, Biden’s painfully obvious mental and physical decline since becoming president are familiar to virtually everyone who follows the news.

But then there is the other version of Joe Biden ā€“ the one seen and heard, to cite just one example, at his 2024 State of the Union speech ā€“ angry, shouting, speaking so fast and so emotionally that he sometimes runs his words together, making them difficult to understand…


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