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Is Civil Government Important to God?

By  Pastor Cary Gordon 

The New Testament does NOT provide an adequate template to establish and operate a proper civil government. Two possibilities flow from this observation:

1) Civil government used to be VERY important to God as described in the Old Testament, but no longer remains important because Jesus came to destroy that foundation and build a completely new foundation.

2) Civil government has already been clearly established with a permanent legal template made so clearly in the Old Testament that the New Testament did not need to rebuild the foundation upon which it was erected by repeating what was already explained to man.

Modern clergy have observed this reality (that the New Testament DOES NOT provide adequate instructions for the establishment and maintenance of a civil government) and errantly assumed that to be evidence that the modern establishment of civil authority can be a morally relativistic free-for-all, because it allegedly was not an important emphasis of the New Testament.

They were dangerously wrong in layers.

The most dangerous clergy in the world are those who reject the moral and legal absolutes of the Old Testament as the established foundation for all ongoing governance, while simultaneously emphasizing the importance of the American political sphere’s cultural importance. Why? Because they must replace God’s law established in the past with humanist situational ethics for their politics once they have dismissed God’s law as a legal anchor for the present and future.

The absolutes of the Ten Commandments still hold ABSOLUTE authority over ALL disobedient humanist governments of the world, whether the modern preacher aligns with that reality or not.

Humanism dressed-up as “Christian love replaces God’s law” has completely destroyed the moral foundation of the American republic. The church did that with the poison pill of antinomianism. The Spirit of lawlessness has blinded most Evangelicals in the voting booth for decades. We are reaping what we sowed. We sowed humanistic hate for God’s law (“love wins”). We reaped humanistic hate for God’s law… and… fake love “won.”

Big Tech censorship has been expanding beyond just Conservatives
 Christians are next!

While many of us have been warning about the coming persecution of Christians, I don’t think any of us thought that it would be ramping up so quickly. While we are luckily not facing physical persecution yet, such as beatings or death, we are facing censorship, deplatforming and even jail time in some instances. These are just the birth pangs of what is coming next.



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