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Posts tagged as “Old Testament”


By Mysite   Amunhotep El-Bey This Old Testament Map of Ancient America shows you Assyria (Iran/ Turkey), Babylon (Sumer), Mesopotamia, Moab, Egypt, and Jerusalem, all…

Bad Translation

By Biblicism Institute   There are some words and verses in the Bible that have been wrongly transliterated, either from the Old Testament Hebrew or…

Prophecy of Peace

By Truth for the World Peace, perfect peace—we all seek peace. General Douglas MacArthur once said, “Men since the beginning of time have sought peace.…

Egyptian farmer stumbles across 2,600-year-old stone tablet carved during reign of pharaoh mentioned in the Bible who was strangled to death by his own subjects

By DAN AVERY Egyptian farmer stumbles across 2,600-year-old stone tablet carved during reign of pharaoh mentioned in the Bible who was strangled to death by his…

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