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by Janet Swanson

But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. Genesis 50:20

Dear Friends!

Have you read 2 Samuel 13:1-39?  Here is a story of a brother raping his step sister! Amnon raped Tamara.  These things happened in the Bible and the God has a lot to say about rape and the evil that is done to the innocent.  I want you to know, in the same way God used the brothers of Joseph in Gen. 50:20 and the evil they did to him to turn what the enemy meant for evil into good, He will do it for you too!  I want to bring recognition to the pain that rape leaves us with! In the same way, I want to bring more recognition to the redemption power of Jesus and how He can heal your mind, your soul and your spirit from the injustice that has been  done to you!

Rape affects the mind, the soul and spirit

even after we’ve been saved!!  I believe there are so many people in the church who are silently suffering from the pain and shame of rape and abuse.

My friend Alison Lusted was raped on two different occasions. She shared intimate details of how rape affected her life in episode 6 on One Voice Makes A Difference podcast.

Listen here to the podcast:

She told her story of how she was looking for love in all the wrong places. When she was 14 years, the quarter-back of the football team invited her to a party. She thought several people were invited to come over and watch movies. But he had another plan for her. He put drugs in her alcoholic drink and violently raped her. Then two weeks later she was violently raped again by her cousin. These two traumatic events changed her life forever. She explains how the shame of those two events kept her from speaking out. She never told anybody for 10 years.

As she was speaking at a women’s conference in Lima, Peru, she started sharing her story to these women who had been abused. Alison says that by giving her testimony that night, it started the journey of healing in her soul.

Alison walks us down the valley of her deep, dark, secret that led her into a promiscuous lifestyle to the mountain of freedom and  liberty that led to destiny!

The Lord showed me there will be an influx of people coming to “The Church” near the end of the pandemic who are wounded, forgotten, abused, hurt, abandoned, fearful and suicidal. What is the church going to do when they come?  What are YOU going to do?

Now is the time for the church to arise and take her place and be the hospital for those who are hurting.  Will you love the unlovable? Will you give ‘second chances’?  Will you look beyond what you see and love like Jesus did?

Will you join me in praying for those who will be coming in?

Today I heard of another teenager who committed suicide.  Right here in our small town, there has been 4 suicides in the past 3 months. People I know!!

People are hurting! I am convinced that God will have the final say. He will take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it around for the good!!! I don’t know how He’s going to do, but I know He will.

If you feel led of the Lord to help out One Voice with your support and prayers, please go to my website and pray about partnering with me by giving to the ministry.  We are making a difference
.One Voice at a time!

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